
Ricky Powell’s Mack-N-Cheese Knish Explosion!

It takes an original to create an original! With a carbo load of excitement we are proud to announce the beginning of a culinary revolution with the unveiling of TheGoodLife! x Sweet Chick x Ricky Powell’s Mack-N-Cheese Knish Explosion!

Celebrated vegetarian and munchie expert Ricky Powell has combined two of his favorite things, broccoli mac n cheese and a classic NYC knish to create the ultimate gastro collabo! He’ll be unveiling it on Tuesday February 23rd along with an extra special edition of his World Famous Slideshow Extravaganza featuring never before seen photos recently unearthed from his under the futon archives!

Hit the jump for a first look at the Mack-N-Cheese Knish Explosion in photos by Craig Wetherby as well as info to attend the show, its gonna be redonkulous!

Start off with the Mac.

Get it just right.

RICKY-MACK_N_CHEESE04You can see where this is going…

Carefully transfer the goods.

And Voila! Ricky Powell’s Mack-N-Cheese Knish Explosion!!

It’s all going down at:

Sweet Chick
178 Ludlow Street

9pm – 2am

Slideshow at 11pm

Music by DJ Smoke L.E.S.

There are only 30 available seats for dinner and the slideshow so please RSVP now to whatsgood@wearethegoodlife.com and include your complete party info. Only complete parties will be accommodated. You don’t want to miss this! #RelaxHaveAKnish

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