
TheGoodLife! x Coal Necessities for Fine Living: Volume II – Featuring Ian Longwell

The “Necessities for Fine Living” campaign keeps rolling, or sailing rather, as we catch up with musician and producer Ian Longwell as he takes a cruise around the island of Manhattan with his lovely girlfriend Laura, a bottle of rose, and a baguette and brie. If that’s not fine living we don’t know what is. See Craig Wetherby’s photos after the jump. Video by Eddie Grams, music by Roofeeo for TheGoodLife! x Coal Headwear.

TheGoodLife! x Coal Necessities for Fine Living: Volume II – Featuring Ian Longwell

TheGoodLife! x Coal Necessities for Fine Living: Volume II – Featuring Ian Longwell

TheGoodLife! x Coal Necessities for Fine Living: Volume II – Featuring Ian Longwell

TheGoodLife! x Coal Necessities for Fine Living: Volume II – Featuring Ian Longwell

TheGoodLife! x Coal Necessities for Fine Living: Volume II – Featuring Ian Longwell